
06 March 2015

Organizing Friday {Week 10}

Last week was pretty easy, just dealing with the wrapping paper and bags. 
That Target bag was some of it, the rest was hidden under all that fabric. Yikes!
First, I sorted, got all the garbage and items we won't be using out of the way.
Separated the Christmas specific stuff and put with the Christmas stuff, out of the way.
Ahhh, so much better all in 1 accessible box.
 I decided to keep just 2 small rolls of wrapping paper. It's not often that a bag won't be a better fit anyway. These rolls are small so no extra storage.

How do you store wrapping paper and gift bags?

I've seen some serious closets full of stuff like this
I heart Organizing

But that kind of space is just not here, and I don't want to keep track of that much wrapping paper. I would rather have 1 roll of brown craft paper from the dollar tree that I can use and donate the excess, then decorate it for the occasion.

1 comment:

  1. I love the look of that wrapping paper closet. Right now I just have it all in a big bag in a closet.
